When Roy and Holly came to Dublin, they envisioned starting a portable church where a variety of people would use their God-given gifts to attract those who didn’t yet follow Jesus. After some time in their new city, though, the Angles realized this model wasn’t quite right in Dublin.
Particularly near its busy center, Dublin revolves around social networks meeting in public areas rather than operating from a sense of “neighborhood.” People with common interests gather in whatever place suits them. The Angles saw an opportunity to take advantage of this network culture. Rather than trying to offer a church for others to join, they began to insert themselves into various gatherings around the city according to their unique gifting and personalities.
As a textile artist, Holly has joined Irish knitting clubs and felting guilds. Roy participates in several book clubs and pub discussion groups. The entire family has engaged in networks that are naturally part of their daily lives, such as school activities and neighborhood gatherings.
A significant influence on their new way of doing missions is the Angles’ growing understanding of the biblical metaphor of seeds and soil in the New Testament. Encompass Executive Director Dave Guiles helped them apply this thinking to better serve their Irish community. As they considered Jesus’ description of his people as seeds planted in the soil of the world, Roy and Holly began to formulate good questions about how to effectively engage the people of Dublin with the gospel.
“Encompass has been a patient mentor with us and our efforts while working in soil that is spiritually resistant like Ireland.” –The Angles
The Angles’ end goal is the same: to make disciples in gospel-rooted communities. But unlike their initial concept of missional ministry, they now spend the majority of their time with non-Christians, going where they are and meeting on their terms.
Consider This:
At Encompass World Partners, we desire to help individuals and churches engage in God’s global mission in meaningful ways. Our aim is to see more fruitful disciple-making teams serving around the world among the least reached. Sometimes this means inviting people in and sometimes it means knitting beautiful celtic sweaters. In every context, Encompass is excited to see the gospel piercing the hearts of the Nations.
God gave you talents and passions to be used for his glory and mission! Find out more about how your unique gifts can be used to spread the gospel around the world.
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