During an onstage interview at the event, Katie talked about her longtime dream of becoming a teacher in an Asian country. She expressed her missional heart and how the Agora College equipped her well to pursue that ambition with her future husband.
After the interview, a woman from BrightStart Learning approached Cory and Katie with an opportunity for an internship in Cambodia that would focus on facilitating educational programs within impoverished communities. It sounded like it would be right up their alley.
But Cory and Katie were getting married and graduating from college in a couple of months. Their life was way too hectic to even ponder going to another country. So they passed on the idea, but it never left their hearts.
Several months later, when life settled down, the Cory and Katie revisited the idea of serving in Cambodia. They contacted BrightStart and began the conversation that would lead to an exceptional journey for them both.
At the time, BrightStart was becoming a great partner with Encompass. So, Cory and Katie decided to complete their internship by working with Encompass ministries in Cambodia alongside BrightStart.
For the last five months, Cory and Katie have been teaching and developing relationships with the people of Battambang, Cambodia. They report that the experience has been amazing, saying, “We are simply trusting God and taking one step at a time.”
Cory and Katie will soon return to the U.S. with full hearts to prepare for what comes next.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.” Proverbs 3:5–6