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Start a Weekly Prayer Group for the Nations

“Even though we’re just a small group, we’ve seen God do some amazing things,” say Marj Wisker and Jami Kurtz from Martinsburg Grace Brethren Church in Pennsylvania. Inspired by Jesus’ words in Matthew 9:35–38, where He had compassion on the crowds “like sheep without a shepherd,” they felt the urgency to pray for workers to be sent into His harvest field. In response, they launched a Great Commission-focused prayer group at their church in 2016, called Prayer for the Nations.

Every Monday at noon, they gather for one hour, using the ACTS prayer model (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication), dedicating each element to the Great Commission. Their prayers cover their missionaries with Encompass World Partners, as well as the global Church. “There’s so much to pray for that we rarely get through it all,” they say. While group attendance has fluctuated, their passion for prayer has not.

Participants come from all around “The Cove” (a local nickname for their area), and not just from their own congregation. People from other churches have joined too, united by a shared vision for the nations. And they’ve witnessed remarkable outcomes:

  • Several young adults they prayed for are now serving in cross-cultural ministry.
  • An ESL ministry has been launched at their church.
  • Unity has strengthened among local churches in The Cove.
  • Specific prayers for the Uyghur people have been met with progress.

This prayer group has had a significant impact, and Marj sees a growing awareness of the Great Commission in their community. “There’s an awakening,” she says. “If you’re not praying for the mobilization of young people, you’re trying to do this on your own, without God’s power.”

Does your church have a prayer group focused on the Great Commission? If not, perhaps God is calling you to start one. You might be amazed at how He responds. Let’s join Marj, Jami, and their prayer group in asking the Lord of the Harvest to send more workers!