The years that followed brought untold suffering to the people of the CAR, with many lives lost and more lived in hunger and constant fear. Only in recent months has a measure of peace been restored, and unrest still lingers.
In these dark times, God has placed his people where they can be a light.
Dr. Augustine Hibaile has been a professor at the Bata Bible Institute and Seminary for almost 20 years. In 2005 Dr. Hibaile founded the Center International for the Development of Ethical Leadership (CIDEL), headquartered in Bangui. The CIDEL focuses on the discipleship of key leaders. Through this ministry, Dr. Hibaile has conducted seminars on ethical leadership, the prevention of corruption, and other related topics. C.A.R. government leaders from the Ministries of Finance, Justice, Defense, Public Security, and Interior have all benefited from his training. The CIDEL aims to build the kingdom of God in the Central African Republic though leadership development, working to mend the social and political unrest.
These efforts are bearing fruit. Dr. Hibaile says:
My wife Marie Helene and I came home this afternoon from Boyali, 120 km from the capital city of Bangui. In Boyali, the CIDEL evaluated the impact on the community from “The Week of Peace and Social Cohesion” program that was done there in 2015. The program went very well and we are pleased to have positive feedback from the people in the village who were impacted. The CIDEL’s ministry allowed them to finds ways to deal with their socio/spiritual problems. The young people from the village have requested more ministries among them to help produce real transformation.
As soon as we arrived in Bangui, I got a phone call from the C.A.R. President cabinet asking me to go the palace to meet with the President, Head of the State, His Excellence Professor Faustin-Archange Touadera. I was introduced just after his audience with the U.S.A. Ambassador and Representative of the General Secretary of the United Nations. Together we spent a good time in prayer.
Professor Faustin-Archange Touadéra is a Central African Republic politician and academic who previously served as the C.A.R. Prime Minister from 2008-2013. In the 2016 presidential election, he was elected as president in a second round of voting. Dr. Augustin Habaile’s friendship and partnership with President Touadéra is a hopeful step for the CIDEL and for the healing of the C.A.R.
God has put our brother in a place of great need. Join us in praying for Dr. Hibaile, that God would continue to give him the strength and wisdom to be a light for Christ among the people of the Central African Republic.
Learn more about the CIDEL Ministry in the C.A.R.
Photos from Dr. Hibaile’s time in Boyali, C.A.R.: