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Jesus Shared with Man on Deathbed

Dave got a call from his pastor to see if he could visit Lynn in the hospital. Normally, his pastor would have gone, but he was headed out of town. Lynn used to go to church but he had doubts about his salvation because he had not been in church for a long time. Lynn falsely believed church attendance was a prerequisite for salvation. Dave said, “I was delighted to be asked to go.” 

When Dave arrived at the hospital the next day, Lynn wasn’t verbally responsive—the only way he was able to interact was with head nods and eye expressions. Dave says, “His elderly mother was there with him and she and I had some sweet conversations as I also shared some verses with Lynn from Ephesians 2, Colossians 2, Romans 6, and also the story of the thief on the cross. His eyes tracked, and became watery at times. As I shared, he would nod periodically whenever I asked him a question.”

Dave prayed with him and for him, and before he left, he also prayed with his mother as she was in tears for her son on his deathbed.

“The man passed away about a week after I was there.” Dave says. “Only the Lord knows if he trusted Christ, but it was an honor to be asked to present the Gospel to him.”  

While we can’t know for certain if Lynn put his faith in Jesus, all signs suggest that he did. 

While Dave isn’t a missionary, we love the way he took this opportunity to still live on mission. Dave says, “It was a reminder to me that this is something we need to be doing with our neighbors, especially before they are at death’s door.” And as the Apostle Paul wrote, “Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:15–16). 

God, please highlight the people in my path who you want me to engage with in spiritual conversation.