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Celebrating Ally and Ramin

After almost a decade of serving Afghan refugees in Western Asia, Ally and Ramin* are stepping into a new chapter. As they move from living overseas with Encompass to serving in rural North Carolina with a different ministry, we celebrate all the ways God worked through them throughout their time with us.

One of the more challenging aspects of their ministry overseas was having to study two languages at the same time—both the national language as well as the Afghan language (Dari). “Every time you open your mouth, a whole mix comes out. And when you really get stuck, Spanish is like, ‘I’m here for you!’” Ally says, laughing.

But as they pressed on in their language studies, God began to open doors. In a city teeming with refugees, Ally and Ramin found themselves deeply involved in the lives of Afghan families. They started small: building trust, sharing meals, and gathering for weekly Bible studies. From a tiny group of a few men, the Afghan fellowship grew, with women and children joining in, sometimes with as many as 20 people crammed into a room. 

“We feel very honored to have seen that happen,” Ally says. As she sat with that group, she would look around and think, “This is unreal. These aren’t just any Afghans—these are people from tribes who normally wouldn’t even talk to each other—but here they are, worshiping together and treating each other like family.” They clearly saw the hand of God at work, gathering people, changing hearts, and spreading the Gospel among some of the most unreached people on the planet.

Another highlight from their ministry was Ally’s involvement in a “Moms and Tots” group. The group was a safe place where 20–25 refugee mothers could connect, share their burdens, and be uplifted with short Bible stories. “They were Afghan women who weren’t welcomed in their community, and might not have even been loved in their own home,” Ally says. Yet at these gatherings, Ally would treat them with the worth and value they carry as image bearers of the living God. 

There’s no doubt that their time on the field was marked by incredible relationships. When Ramin first became a believer, his friend would tease him about being a “pagan.” But as this friend witnessed Ramin’s life over time, the Holy Spirit brought him to faith in Jesus. And there was one 14-year-old Afghan girl who had faced incredible hardship. But after Ally spent months discipling her over “endless cups of tea” and long conversations, her perspective changed, and she was baptized. 

Now, in a twist they didn’t see coming, Ally and Ramin find themselves in rural North Carolina, where they’ll continue their work with Afghan refugees in the US. “You can’t get good rice around here to save your life,” Ally joked. “And the only tea is sweet tea!” 

While their location has changed, their hearts remain committed to sharing God’s love with Afghans. As they step away from Encompass World Partners and into this new season, we celebrate the countless ways God worked through them while on the field with us. From helping Afghan refugees navigate life in a foreign country to watching a fragile Afghan church blossom, their impact will be felt for years to come. 

*Name changed for security