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Blessing Attack Victims in Central Africa

With the generous support of people like you, Encompass World Partners has been able to extend real help to our partners in Chad who have opened their arms to receive nearly 20,000 victims fleeing attacks. These victims were in desperate need—physically, emotionally, and spiritually—but they’ve found comfort and help in these welcoming communities. In some instances, the only reason why Chadian mayors accepted refugees was because they knew Encompass would be there to support them. This is both humbling and sobering, highlighting the immense responsibility we carry.

Many parts of Central Africa resemble the chaotic days of the wild west. When evil arrives at their door, it doesn’t knock politely. Instead, it sets rooftops ablaze, aiming to kill as many as possible. It doesn’t matter if the victims are infants or elderly, families or singles, Christians or Muslims.

Our crisis response team receives hundreds of photos of victims at a time, which can make it easy to overlook the individuality of each person. But each face in those images represents a life dearly loved by our Heavenly Father—each one bearing His image. As Encompass’s Crisis Repsonse Network director, Barb says, “I try to discipline myself to study these photos and the faces within them closely.” These events are about the people, and they are “sheep without a shepherd.”

Barb continues, “One woman caught my eye. She is among the approximately 5,000 people in western Chad who sufferedhorrific attacks in May.” 

Thanks to the generosity of those who contributed to our refugee fund, we have been able to make a significant difference. In eastern Chad alone, we were able to bless 13,000 people with aid. Would you consider giving to Encompass’s refugee fund to help the next group of individuals fleeing for their lives and in need of everything? It costs only about $200 to provide essential support to a displaced family.