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A Simple Way to Spark a Great Commission Movement in Your Church

“We just open our home. It’s nothing special,” says Mike McKeever, host of the Great Commission Fellowship at Grace Church at Willow Valley in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. But what happens in their living room is far from ordinary.

Since 2018, this fellowship has been connecting people who are passionate about reaching the least-reached—whether by going, praying, sending, or supporting. On the third Thursday of each month, the McKeevers welcome the group into their home. “We treat it like a small group in our church, so we take prayer requests, laugh, cry, hold each other up in prayer,” says McKeever. All of this is done in the broader context of praying for the nations and fostering greater interest and commitment to missions.

Sometimes, the Lord even orchestrates it so that a global worker on home assignment can join and share firsthand experiences. Attendance ranges from 4 to 20, but the impact has been consistent. Over the years, the group has sent teams to Italy, Japan, and even a Mercy Ship, as well as short-term workers to other mission fields.

The Fellowship began with a simple announcement in church. From there, word of mouth did the rest. McKeever says, “I think the reason it works is because it’s all God—God is the one who has done it.”

Is there someone in your church who could open their home and spark a similar movement? It might be simpler than you think—and God can use it to impact the least-reached.