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4 Benefits of Becoming a Missionary with Encompass

“Which mobilization organization should I become a missionary with?” That’s a common question people ask when starting to consider international missions. While there are plenty of amazing sending organizations to choose from, Gene and Mindy* share some of the perks they’ve enjoyed as a result of doing missions through Encompass.

1. Encompass Emphasizes Understanding Other Cultures

“In missions, understanding where the person is coming from is crucial,” Gene says. Mindy adds, “As global workers, we aren’t the ones with all the answers. God’s already at work among the locals, and there’s a lot we can learn from them.” That’s why Encompass places such a high value on understanding other cultures. American methods of outreach don’t always work in other cultures. Embracing this is what allowed Gene and Mindy to refine their approach to ministry over their 14 years in Southeast Asia with us. As a result, they discovered new ways to reach the least-reached in their context even more effectively. 

2. Encompass Has Quality Health Coverage

“I didn’t know this when I started, but Encompass has incredible insurance,” Mindy says. “I had a life-threatening medical emergency a year ago, but because of Encompass’s amazing insurance plan, we never worried about the medical coverage. That has been a huge blessing to us that allowed us to focus on other things.” Mindy’s recent health complications are exactly why we provide our global workers with quality health coverage: we want them to spend their efforts on reaching the least-reached instead of constantly stressing about unforeseen financial circumstances. 

3. Encompass Values Ongoing Education

“Ever since day one of landing in Southeast Asia, I’ve worked alongside Encompass workers who are avid learners,” Mindy says. She continues, “Encompass really cares about having their global workers learn and grow instead of just remaining stagnant. They allow global workers to raise support to partially cover further education, which is how I got my master’s degree—and I really appreciated being able to do that.” We at Encompass value education and life-long learning, because we want our missionaries to be as effective as possible on the field!

4. Encompass Is a Great Family

The benefit that has probably impacted Gene and Mindy the most has been working with their Encompass colleagues (both locally and around the globe), who have shaped their ministry approach. Mindy says, “We’re so grateful for the relationships and the colleagues we’ve been able to work with through Encompass. Having these amazing people in our lives has been transformative to our whole process.”

If you’re looking for a mobilization organization to do missions with, we hope you find Gene and Mindy’s experience to be helpful.

*Names changed for security