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Our Vision and Values

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.”
—Matthew 28:19

We exist to spread the knowledge and glory of God among the least reached of our world. Discover how!

Global Trends Opportunities

The Encompass family of ministries spans the globe, reaching into 32 countries with the hope of Christ.

Today we have 73 deployed staff plus 24 Special Assignment workers to total 97 people who are building God’s Kingdom on four continents.

We partner with approximately 350 global ministry leaders to bring the gospel to people in their countries.

Crisis Response Network

Our Crisis Response Network shares God’s love with victims of crises such as geopolitical conflicts and natural disasters.

  • Housing Ukrainian Refugees: Our partners on the ground are building a housing complex for refugees.
  • Feeding Africa: Through Operation Joseph, we gave seed to farmers in the Central African Republic at a time when food was scarce.
  • Orphan Care: We also helped provide 1,800 orphans with literacy education and lunch every day across 41 schools.
  • Earthquake Relief: We provided critical relief supplies, food, and housing to many hundreds of earthquake victims in Turkey. We also provided food and other relief supplies to over 40 families after an earthquake in Afghanistan.
  • Prayer for Israel: Shortly after the conflict broke out, our initiative rallied 300 people throughout the Charis Fellowship to pray together on Zoom for a week.

Church Planting Network

Encompass’s Church Planting Network brings the Good News to the least-reached by planting healthy churches that multiply.

  • Central Asia: Our church plant continues to grow and appointed their first local elder. New missionaries have also been deployed there.
  • Poland: Our church plant has successfully been transitioned to local leadership.
  • Japan: We opened a ministry center that is being used for outreach events.
  • France: Our outreach continues to expand with investigative Bible studies and mentorship.
  • Ireland: A number of atheists have begun reading the Bible with our global workers.
  • Africa: Eight key church planting leaders who oversee as many as 150 church planters have completed their first round of classes toward their masters degree in missiology.
  • Atlanta: A Japanese couple came to Christ and was baptized.
  • Western Asia: Our team was able to renew visas, stay in the country, and continue language studies.

Church Equipping Network

The Church Equipping Network helps train believers in least-reached countries so they can become sustainable ministry leaders in their own regions of the world.

  • Curriculum Development: We prepared a new Master of Missiology curriculum for African pastors which will begin in September 2024. We continue to adjust and develop our curriculum for training pastors through Africa Bible Institutes.
  • Tool Development: We developed, tested, and adjusted different evangelistic and discipleship tools.
  • Church Revitalization: Our staff was involved in church revitalization seminars and course development.
  • Africa Conference: A highlight this year was an international conference in Kenya where Charis delegates were able to connect and prepare their next projects.

Transformation Works Network

Our Transformation Works Network seeks to transform communities through business ventures, educational opportunities, and service projects while offering the hope of the gospel.

  • New Literature: Innovative literature campaigns continued to take gospel truths to Africans.
  • Dormitory Discipleship: As they received mentorship from Charis ministry partners, students in Southeast Asia came to know Jesus, shared their faith with their families, and progressed in their studies.
  • Refugee Care: Socially marginalized people in Western Europe and Central Asia were served by compassion ministries, heard the gospel, and connected to Christians.
  • Business as Missions: Business ventures continue to mobilize locals in Central Africa and Central Asia so they can earn honest wages and have the capacity to share the gospel within their communities.
  • Medical Needs in Africa: Encompass associates were mobilized to help meet desperate medical needs in Africa.

Mobilization Services Network

The Mobilization Services Network at Encompass identifies and prepares new missionaries, supports our global workers on the field, and resources our partners as we seek to take the gospel to the least reached together.

  • New Mobilization Staff: Dave Pacheco, MaryAnn Barlow, and Malachi Saunders began serving as our newly-formed Mobilization Team in 2023. Their role is to help others investigate the Great Commission while discovering the part He has equipped them to play in missions.
  • People Exploring Missions: We are seeing increases in the number of people taking steps toward missions, including 21 interns who were prepared last year and served this spring.
  • Team Internships: We developed and launched a new way for people to explore missions within the context of small teams before committing to longer, individual assignments. The first team has successfully been sent to Japan where teammates actively engaged in ministry under the leadership of an experienced global worker.

Thanks for Reaching the Least-Reached with Us!

Thanks for Reaching the Least-Reached with Us!

How will they believe in Him if they’ve never heard of Him?

And how will they hear about Him if no one preaches to them?

And who will preach to them if no one is sent?

—Romans 10:13–15